Tuesday, November 25, 2008


我相信每个人都有朋友。。。 但没有几个是知心的。。。 猪朋狗友都比知心朋友还要多吧! 我相信也没几个是愿意与你一同度过喜怒哀乐。。。 当其中一位离开到不同的地方时,渐渐地,只段开始就很好的友情就变淡了。。。他们也各找到自己的朋友了。。。 有时我也不知道友情是不是真的酱重要! 我已经试试不把任何事与别人分享, 感觉还不错。。。 但,有时我很像分享时,朋友却离我很远。。。 当等到他们时,我已经没有心情分享了。。。有时连自己都不知道自己要些什么。。。 大家,如果你只要找一个可以笑可以玩的朋友,其实你是一个很失败的朋友。。。 因为你根本就不懂要朋友来干嘛。。。 无论如何,我还是同意,朋友也占据了人生中蛮重要的地位。但朋友是可以选择的。 若朋友不好,可以让你的人生就这样被毁了。。。 我也在此祝福大家可以早日找到自己的知心朋友。。。 :)


J@€L Y€€ said...
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J@€L Y€€ said...

well,i can truly understand ur feelings right now,as believe or not..im also facing the same problem as u recently..well,in other words..it has been a few months..T_T
i've been hurt by those who call them self "BEST FREN" they all betrayed me!!I just can't believe they will do this to me..as I told them everything T_T
since after tht day,i really upset & confuse about everything,i lost my trust on everyone including my parents..i dunno wat exactly the meaning of "best fren" or "fren" in my life..i juz only know i treat them as my best fren & is this wat i got when comes to the end?!a broken heart?!
well,but im glad tht i still hv frens who used to not closed with me before..they all keep console me & support me..tht time,i realized tht which ppl are my frens & which ppl are not my frens..
well,in my rules..everyone in this this world is my fren..even we juz talk a word..so i cannot blame on them..but instead,i choose to forget about wat they've done to me & forgive them..as they all are my frens..until now..we all still having fun together..^^
& i can tell u tht actually in this world there's a person who always is our true fren,who always protect us,listen to our problems,loves us & bless us with His pure heart & soul..n tht is God~
well,juz wanna share with u my problems..^^..hope i din bothering u..
remember,u still hv frens..n a true fren will never tell..we all always here with u when u need us..& God also with u all the time..so,we must appreciate wat we hv for now..^^..like frens & our life..
take care & may God bless u~