My observation through many sources made me agree fully on that statement made. On this special day, there are some who feel happy due to many loving children wishing them either with a kiss/hug, through facebook for those studying overseas, or even a treat(be it a feast of just children-cook dishes) from their lovely children. On the other hand, not forgetting those mother with no children, those children who had just attended their mother's funeral not long ago, children who have not even seen their mother before, or children and mother from a broken family. So, is Mother's Day exactly a HAPPY day?
Trying to recall my own experience on what Mother's Day was to me when i was small, i am sorry to say, i was not into it and quite shallow, donno how to express myself AT ALL! of course, because there was some private hindrances. However, really thank God everything has changed, everything is getting better and will be better! :) hehe
I had also asked myself this question today when i saw some post in facebook. "Should we rejoice and be glad when we see those mothers who had lived their life foolishly/regretfully in the past ( you understand what i mean) is moving on with their life, bringing up their children, trying to provide the best for their family now?" yeah, why not is my answer. Though they have experienced the unpleasant thing, but they choose to live on. They too need courage to do so right? (Shall we give them a round of applause! LOL ) *just got to make sure to be wise since then.
Another scenario i have observed is a friend of mine. I know what this person is experiencing. Probably "friend" feels sorry for the mother and i could feel what "friend" wrote was really of "himself's" feeling. just an encouragement to that friend, "Don't give up on studies ok? Continue it until you are really sure of what you are interested in and prove it to your mom aye. Supporting you here, friend... :) "
Not forgetting the main point of this post, Happy Mother's Day to my mom especially because i don't think any aunty will read my blog... hahaha..!!! jkjk... if there's, happy mother's day to you as well~! ok, i had spent a great night with family celebrating mother's day! steamboating at home,yamcha-ing in their room :) and LET MY MOM DO NOTHING! *however, without us noticing, she went to make longyantaufu :S
Before i closed this post with some photos, shall we just ponder over some questions. " Do we post in facebook/ blog saying how much we love our mom because our friends are doing so? What about in our daily life? Did we really show our love to our mom by
simple actions ( house chores, saying thank-you when favours are done for us )?"
Nothing is too late, friends! Your mom is probably waiting for your ACTIONS! :) All the best to you all!
God bless.
went to toupai even before the longan is placed ;S
our yamcha time :)
eggs are poured into it! that's why like dat == :D
Last but not least, LOVE YOU MOM! :)
1 comment:
LOve U 2 Aunty JennY!!!
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