Saturday, January 16, 2010

The 2nd week of schooldays in 2010

In this six days of school, i seem to have had my mind open to a few lessons... not just in the school but also outside of school.

Basically, Monday, i went to my Math tuition and happily, i managed to complete the exercises given during the time there. So, not much to be done at home. On Tuesday,went to Science tuition(form4) after school.Then, all of sudden, added one more day for Science(form5) on Wednesday night. THURSDAY FREE!!! just for this week... :S and last night, i went to History tuition. tomorrow there will be Bible Knowledge class. pheww~~~

Anyways, at school we had a farewell party for Kristen. erm.... yeah... she's leaving soon and sad really sad that i can't go to her farewell party on Monday night :'( have tuition. :S grrrr.... but hopefully tomorrow can make it for something else!

Today, kind of had great fun during ECA. will have some pics to show below and maybe some videos on Facebook.

Cheers people!!

ps. i donno what happen to you, but cheer up k?? :)

sorry about the unorganized flow of pics... anyways, faith was at the school for about a week... that was taken on her last day. another one is my cousin. He will be back to Sweden soon... away from twu tomorrow... so, yeah... the rest were the pics of today! :D

1 comment:

Blu Hippo said... so tall dy o..